

Inspired Companies articulate their values and aren’t afraid to step into controversy to defend them when they need to. Couple that with a chief executive who calls himself a ‘chief values officer’ – and you’ve created a strong foundation for success.

“Consumers are not only looking for companies that add value, but that also have values that mirror their own.” Chip Bergh, CEO and President, Levis.

It’s with this clarity and sense of confidence that Levis steps into the trickiest of social debates to play a role in ending gun violence and increasing voter registration in the US.

Many companies are starting to lean into these efforts. What’s especially impressive about Levis is not only are they leveraging their own platform for social good they, they are finding ways to support other businesses, non-profits and journalists to do the same.

Who’s paying attention and then taking action? The majority of young adult Americans who don’t trust corporations but believe in voting (thanks for the facts @causeinfluence).

That’s what it looks like when an Inspired Company reaches out to the new C.E.O.s. — with a big dose of bold conviction.

#inspiredaction #inspiredcompanies #inspiredinc #thenewceos

Publication: August 26, 2020
*Source1 August 2020 // *Source2 August 2020 // *Source3 October 1, 2019